When it comes to buying a new sofa, you’re often left wondering, fabric or leather sofa, which is the better option? Not only do you have to think about aesthetics, but also the practicalities when it comes to your lifestyle. For example, pet owners need to consider whether a leather or fabric sofa with dogs is the way forward, parents need to ponder which option is best suited to kids, and busy workers need to think about ease of maintenance. 

The pros of leather or fabric sofas are both aplenty, yet with advantages also comes disadvantages. In order to decide between the sofa styles, you will need to familiarise yourself with the pros and cons of each. 

Advantages of Leather Sofas

Typically, leather sofas appear to be trendier, meaning that they are ideal to create a modern space that looks sleek and unique. Not only is their appearance innovative, but leather sofas don’t cling to pet hair or absorb dust to the same extent as fabric sofas, making them ideal for owners who suffer from allergies. Similarly, this means that they don’t require arduous cleaning and can simply be wiped or dusted on occasion. 

modern beige leather sofa in living space

In addition to ease of maintenance, leather sofas tend to be more durable than their fabric counterparts as they rarely fade or stain and retain their shape for longer. Finally, leather sofas are extremely adaptable and look great in any space, whether you opt for a dark, classic shade or a light, statement colour.

Disadvantages of Leather Sofas

Though the colour of a leather sofa won’t fade any time soon, they often have a sheen that some people don’t find particularly attractive. This sheen is not likely to fade away, so you’ll need to ensure that it doesn’t put you off before committing to a leather sofa. Similarly, leather sofas can be scratched, meaning pets can cause damage to them. Additionally, you will not be presented with as much variety when it comes to a leather sofa; though there are light and dark shades available, bright coloured leather is hard to come by. 

Usually, leather sofas are more expensive than fabric sofas which will need to be considered during the budgeting process. Furthermore, if untreated, spills on a leather sofa will become sticky and discolour the leather which can be an irreparable issue. Speaking of stickiness, leather sofas can get warm during the summer months, creating an unpleasant sensation on bare skin. 

Advantages of Fabric Sofas

Perhaps the biggest benefit of fabric sofas is the variety of materials available; polyester, acrylic, linen, velvet, and wool are just a few options. Despite this, the fabric you choose and its quality will determine the required amount of upkeep for your sofa. A more expensive sofa fabric will stand the test of time better than the cheaper alternatives. Despite this, all fabrics are relatively easy to spot clean. Similarly, fabric sofas are not easily scratched, so the sofa’s general appearance is difficult to ruin. 

faux suede fabric recliner sofa in living room

Generally speaking, fabric sofas are more comfortable than leather sofas and typically cost a sizeable amount less. Furthermore, the colour choices for fabric are unlimited, offering unique patterns on top of multiple shades. As well as this, upholstery for sofas is easily switched out if you grow tired of your sofa’s design. Due to this changeability, fabric sofas can be adapted to suit any living space. 

Disadvantages of Fabric Sofas

As previously mentioned, fabric sofas are not ideal for allergy sufferers as they’re more likely to trap pet fur and dust mites which can aggravate allergies. To make this worse, low-quality fabrics will be harder to clean, meaning you can’t completely strip them of dirt or allergens, and cleaning processes could also harm your sofa. Not only will fabric cling to allergens, but it can also absorb smells, meaning fabric sofas are not ideal for smoking households or placement close to the kitchen. 

Additionally, fabric sofas will fade over time and, depending on where the sun hits, this will create an uneven appearance. Furthermore, fabric sofas need to be specifically selected to complement certain décor styles unlike the effortless placement of leather sofas across all environments. 

The Verdict

Ultimately, leather and fabric sofas are both great choices to bring a comfortable space into your home. There is no definitive answer when it comes to deciding between a fabric and leather sofa; instead, the verdict is exclusive to your household. As well as convenience, it comes down to personal preference and style; a sofa is a long-term investment, so you want something that you know you’re going to love for years to come. 

Regardless of whether you decide on a leather or fabric sofa, Delux Deco has a great range for each respective style. To enquire about our sofa solutions and payment options, please get in touch and a member of our team will be happy to guide you in your comfort journey.